A mesage from POLCDEV. *Issue at hand*. Polka City citizens,.

24 Jan 2023, 00:38
A mesage from POLCDEV *Issue at hand* Polka City citizens, Our APY weeks were calculated using the average returns on NFT Sales and average claims. Im sure you are all aware, we are in a bear market and we have not sold as many NFTs on the down market as we did beforehand. This means that the weeks will not meet the current week's average. *Solution* As you know we always do what’s best for Polka City and our community. We have decided to honor the left weeks on the platform in a combination of POLC and METAO. This means that as soon as POLC reserves are depleted, we will offer both METAO and POLC. Initially it will be just METAO but as POLC comes in, we will also add it for claiming. Note, there will be no more earnings at all after these stated 26 weeks estimated. (Metao amounts will be calculated to POLC earned) *Next steps* What do you need to do next? Nothing, you will just click claim as always and it will send METAO instead. When POLC is also available a pop up will let you choose your reward. *Conclusion**** I hope you guys are happy with the outcome. I gave it months of thought and believe that this is the best alternative. It does not hurt POLC value, It keeps earnings all the way to weeks promised, and most importantly, it allows us to keep moving forward and deliver the best Metaverse on the planet! Thank you POLCDEV