May 5th 23 AMA highlights. Test new Metaverse V. 2 on PC. MAC coming up. At V. 2 Chat GPT.

05 May 2023, 16:14
May 5th 23 AMA highlights 1.Test new Metaverse V. 1.7.2 on PC; MAC coming up. 2. At V. 1.7.2 Chat GPT; eventually users can have their personal Chat GPT. 3. Ready huge partnership with nfts, and open their game with METAO (soon). 4. Disco you can dance 🕺 ✨️ 🎶 pressing F3 and will be able to choose songs at the DJ's, and buy songs as nfts more artists. 5.Horse race and bet Polc in Metao. 6. Start a campaign with influencerrs approx in 1 month. 7. Car racetrack. (Cars dynamic nfts, ability of making them faster etc). 8. MIM no longer needed at website, but directly from the game. 9. Shopping Centers 🛍 will have a little store where people can sell their own products. 10. BTC city land sale takes time but working on permits etc. 2023 for planning.